We're solving the world's biggest energy problems
We're solving the world's
biggest energy problems
World-class energy infrastructure
We’re a team of 7,000+ energy problem solvers working to move, generate and store the energy North America relies on. 今天,威尼斯电玩城手游正在采取行动,使这种能源更可持续、更安全.
Natural Gas
The natural gas that powers homes, 燃料工业和发电每天通过威尼斯电玩城手游强大的管道网络输送.
93,300 km(58,000 mi)
network of natural gas pipelines
25 per cent
Power + Energy Solutions
We own or have interest in seven power generation facilities. As renewable electricity demand grows across North America, we are well-positioned to capture these opportunities, given our 20+ years of experience in the power business.
4,300 MW
generating capacity – enough to power more than 4M homes
75 per cent
of our power capacity is emission-less
威尼斯电玩城手游广泛的石油和液体管道基础设施将阿尔伯塔原油供应连接到美国.S. refining markets in Illinois, Oklahoma, Texas and the U.S. Gulf Coast.
20 per cent
4,900 km(3,000 mi)
network of oil and liquids pipelines
Moving forward together
威尼斯电玩城手游希望为威尼斯电玩城手游服务的北美社区提供的不仅仅是能源. 当威尼斯电玩城手游与一个社区合作时,威尼斯电玩城手游也会努力带来就业、机会和共同繁荣.
Learn how we engage with communities
Deep expertise. Limitless potential.
Become an energy problem solver